Life After Covid

Life After Covid

Life is so beautiful, life is so precious, and I’ve risen from this illness of Covid-19 with such new perception, appreciating life as I’ve never tasted it before! Every breath is a reminder of the gift of life, that I’m alive, and what it is to be fully alive. This...
New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Spring is time of renewal and birthing. Time of divine opening towards new opportunities. We look to the Spring to start new projects and or shake up the old ones, removing parts that no longer serve us. We often wish that the spring will bring us a new horizon and...


Mantras are like the mother’s milk. From the moment you start reciting them, they nurture you as you gestate the sound formation of the seeds of life that they are. They align you with movement of the original intention of creation. This nurturance develops and...


Receptivity is a key component to our intuition. It is our natural inheritance to be reclaimed for communication from our inner-being that is an emanation of the Source. When we resist or have the need to control others including circumstances because we are fearful...
Let Go of the Water Buffalo

Let Go of the Water Buffalo

Before you can breathe in again, you have to release your breath in the exhale. Have you ever thought about that? If you breathe all the way out, blow all the life-giving air out of your lungs and hold on empty, what does that feel like? Can you surrender to that...